




时间:2014-03-02  来源:四川农业大学 农学院     点击数:






教授,博士生导师。四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选,四川省细胞生物学会常务理事、四川省作物学会理事。2006年获得生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。主要从事小麦远缘杂交的分子细胞学和遗传育种研究。2011-2012年作为高级访问学者赴美国普渡大学从事小麦基因组学研究。2012年破格晋升教授。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、参加省育种攻关项目和生物育种专项各1项。以第一或通讯作者在《bmc genomics》、《the crop journal》、《journal of genetics and genomics》、《genome》等学术刊物上发表论文30余篇;授权发明专利5项,参与审定小麦新品种13个。











1.符书兰,唐宗祥,罗杰,邹杨.一种提高小麦染色体重组频率的方法,专利号zl 202110126841.7,授权日期2022.6.7


3.符书兰,唐宗祥,汤述尧.一种寡核苷酸探针及其获得方法专利号zl 2016 1 0892572.4,授权日期2020.5.19





ziying xiong,jie luo,yang zou,qilin tang,shulan fu* andzongxiang tang*. the different subtelomeric structure among 1rs arms in wheat-rye 1bl.1rs translocations affecting their meiotic recombination and inducing their structural variation. bmc genomics, 2023, 24:455


zijin pan, jie luo,zongxiang tang*, shulan fu*. centromere-specific single-copy sequences of secale species. plants, 2022, 11: 2117. (if=4.658 )

wei zhang,zongxiang tang, jie luo, guangrong li, zujun yang, manyu yang, ennian yang*, shulan fu*. location of tandem repeats on wheat chromosome 5b and the breakpoint on the 5bs arm in wheat translocation t7bs.7bl-5bs using single-copy fish analysis. plants, 2022, 11: 2394. (if=4.658 )

yang zou, jie luo,zongxiang tang*, shulan fu*. variations of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) chromosomes caused by the 5a chromosomes with complex cytological structure. frontiers in plant science, 2022, 13:992934. (if=6.627 )

jie luo, ruiying liao, yanling duan, shulan fu*,zongxiang tang*. variations of subtelomeric tandem repeats and rdna on chromosome 1rs arms in the genus secale and 1bl.1rs translocations. bmc plant biology,2022,22:212(if=4.215 )

yanling duan, jie luo, zujun yang, guangrong li,zongxiang tang*, shulan fu*. the physical location of stripe rust resistance genes on chromosome 6 of rye (secale cereale l.) ar106bone. frontiers in plant science, 2022.13:928014. (if=5.753 )


yang zou, linrong wan, jie luo,zongxiang tang*, shulan fu*. 2021. fish landmarks reflecting meiotic recombination and structural alterations of chromosomes in wheat (triticum aestivum l.). bmc plant biology, 21:167(if=3.497 )

zhenglei hu, jiangtao luo, linrong wan, jie luo, yazhou li, shulan fu, dengcai liu, ming hao*,zongxiang tang*. 2021.chromosomes polymorphisms of sichuan wheat cultivars displayed by nd‑fish landmarks. cereal research communications,2021,1:1-10 (if=0.811 )


wei xi, shuyao tang, haimei du, jie luo,zongxiang tang*, shulan fu*. nd-fish-positive oligonucleotide probes for detecting specific segments of rye (secale cereale l.) chromosomes and new tandem repeats in rye. the crop journal, 2020,8(2):171-181. (if=3.179 )


1. wei xi#,zongxiang tang#, shuyao tang, zujun yang, jie luo, shulan fu*. 2019. new nd-fish-positive oligo probes for identifying thinopyrum chromosomes in wheat backgrounds. international journal of molecular sciences, 20:2031. (if= 3.687)

2. wei xi#, zongxiang tang#, jie luo, shulan fu*. 2019. physical location of new stripe rust resistance gene(s) and pcr-based markers on rye (secale cereale l.) chromosome 5 using 5r dissection lines. agronomy, 9: 498. (if=2.259 )

葸玮,蒋进,唐宗祥*,王淑荣*.南麦号系列小麦品种的染色体结构演变.麦类作为学报, 2019, 39(5): 567-573.


1. haimei du#,zongxiang tang#, qiong duan, shuyao tang , shulan fu*.2018. using the 6rlku minichromosome of rye (secale cereale l.) to create wheat-rye 6d/6rlku small segment translocation lines with powdery mildew resistance. international journal of molecular sciences , 19:3933. (if=3.687 )

2. shuyao tang#,zongxiang tang#, ling qiu, zujun yang, guangrong li, tao lang, wenqian zhu, jiehong zhang, shulan fu*. 2018. developing new oligo probes to distinguish specific chromosomal segments and the a, b, d genomes of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) using nd-fish. frontiers in plant science, 9:1104. (if=4.298 )


1. zhiqiang xiao#, shuyao tang#, ling qiu,zongxiang tang*, shulan fu*. oligonucleotides and nd-fish displaying different arrangements of tandem repeats and identification of dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in wheat backgrounds. 2017. molecules, 22, 973; doi:10.3390/molecules22060973(if=2.465 )

2. qiong duan#, yang yang wang#, ling qiu, tian heng ren, zhi li, shu lan fu*,zong xiang tang*. physical location of new pcr-based markers and powdery mildew resistance gene(s) on rye (secale cereale l.) chromosome 4 using 4r dissection lines. frontiers in plant science, 2017,8:1716. (if=4.298 )

3. min jiang, zhiqiang xiao, shulan fu*,zongxiang tang*. 2017. fish karyotype of 85 common wheat cultivars/lines displayed by nd-fish using oligonucleotide probes. cereal research communications, 45(4): 549-563. (if=0.496 )


1. meng li#,zongxiang tang#, ling qiu, yangyang wang, shuyao tang , shulan fu*. 2016. identification and physical mapping of new pcr-based markers specific for the long arm of rye (secale cereale l.) chromosome 6. journal of genetics and genomics, 43:209-216. (if=3.585 )

2. ling qiu#,zong-xiang tang#, meng li, and shu-lan fu*. 2016. development of new pcr-based markers specific for chromosome arms of rye (secale cereale l.). genome, 59: 159–165. (if=1.424 )

3. shuyao tang#, ling qiu#, zhiqiang xiao, shulan fu*,zongxiang tang*. 2016. new oligonucleotide probes for nd-fish analysisto identify barley chromosomes and to investigate polymorphisms of wheat chromosomes. genes 2016, 7, 118; (if=3.242 )


shulan fu, lei chen, yangyang wang, meng li, zujun yang, ling qiu, benju yan, zhenglong ren,zongxiang tang*. 2015. oligonucleotide probes for nd-fish analysis to identify rye and wheat chromosomes. scientific reports. 5:10552(if=5.078 )

陈雷,李萌,王洋洋,邱玲,汤述尧,唐宗祥*,符书兰*. 2015.小麦-黑麦1bl/1rs易位系中的染色体结构变异.麦类作物学报,35(8):1038-1043.(通讯作者)

王洋洋,邱玲,李萌,汤述尧,符书兰,唐宗祥.小麦品种绵麦37和绵麦367抗白粉病基因的fish分析及分子检测.麦类作物学报, 2015, 35(11): 1502-1505.


shulan fu, manyu yang, zhenglong ren, benju yan,zongxiang tang*. 2014. abnormal mitosis induced by wheat-rye 1r monosomic addition lines. genome. 2014, 57(1):21-28. (if=1.668 )

李方安,唐宗祥,符书兰。新型小麦-黑麦6r附加系的创制及其白粉病抗性基因向小麦中的渗进。麦类作物学报,2014, 34(1): 34-38.

zongxiang tang, zujun yang, shulan fu*.2014. oligonucleotides replacing the roles of repetitive sequences pas1,psc119.2, pta-535, pta71, ccs1, and pawrc.1 for fish analysis. j appl genet. 55(3): 313-318. (if=1.847 )

shulan fu , zhenglong ren, xiaoming chen, benju yan, feiquan tan, tihua fu,zongxiang tang*. 2014. new wheat-rye 5ds-4rs•4rl and 4rs-5ds•5dl translocation lines with powdery mildew resistance. j plant res. 127(6):743-753. (if=2.507 )


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